Release Notes May 4th: Queue Status Messages, Guide Bot improvements, Bot API support for Labelst

Hello SnapEngagers!

Here is what our team has released in the last few weeks:

New Features and Improvements

Queue Status Message

You can now display the queue position to your visitors to provide more context and transparency during their wait for an agent.

This option can be found under: Agent Settings -> Chat Assignment -> Queue Settings

Label Support for the Bot API

It is now possible to let the Bot API set one or more labels on every step.

The developer documentation can be found here.

Guide Bot:

– We have increased the button limit from 10 to 20 button options per step, after the release of the horizontal button alignment option.

– Added an UI improvement to the bot builder to show when the maximum number of steps was reached.

– We added a new Guide Bot template for post-chat custom surveys.

Other Updates

We are now including the \goto command (redirect) from the agent as a response event if it was sent as the first message at the beginning of the chat. This affects the response time analytics and chat assignment logic – before only a chat message by the agent was counted as a response for the chat start.

Resolved Issues

Guide Bot

– Fixed an issue where the Guide Bot got stuck when the first step was a rating step.

– Fixed an issue where the Guide Bot builder crashed when deleting a step.

– Improved the UI for access-right conflicts in the bot builder.


– Fixed an issue where the integration links and Chat Details were redirecting to the SnapEngage homepage

– Fixed an issue where auto-translate did not automatically turn on in some chats.

Visitor Chat:

– Fixed an issue where a very large first message by the visitor could cause the chat to not be broadcasted to the agents successfully.

– Fixed an issue where the SnapEngage button UI on the website was showing an additional button in some specific CSS configurations

– Added some improvements to the visitor chat to improve accessibility of the button.

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