Intelligent Tagging for Live Chat Routing

Automatically connect visitors to the perfect agent 

Live chat enables real-time engagement with website visitors at the precise moment they have questions, even before they have to ask. It’s all about timing and immediacy. How quickly are you able to meet that visitor’s needs so they can accomplish what they came for and be on their way?

But getting visitors to engage is only the first step. Once they engage, whether with a proactive chat, chatbot, or a manual click, it’s important to get their questions answered quickly and efficiently. This begins with connecting clients and site visitors to the appropriate members on your team. How much time does your team spend transferring visitors between agents? (Hint: Take a look at your transfer reports to gauge agent-to-agent transfer activity.)

SnapEngage has advanced routing capabilities to ensure that chats are assigned to the most appropriate agent based on skill set, language, specialty, department, product, team, geography, support level – You name it!

Best of all, routing by tag is accomplished with automation.

The new routing by tag configuration allows you to assign relevant tags to your agents and associate those tags within departments or teams through easy plug-and-play proactive chat rules or the javascript API.


Want to see how you can benefit from enabling Routing by Tag?

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