Release notes November 24: Labels Report, Guide Bot Labels, Logs CSV Export, JavaScript API close event & end chat method

Hello SnapEngagers,

today we are happy to announce the release of the

Labels Report

Labels reporting enables analysis of how chats are labeled directly in your Analytics tab. It provides an overview of all Labels in tabular form, as well as a way to drill down into any individual Label to see the chats associated with that Label in particular.

Find out more about the Labels report here and read the documentation here!

Automatically label Guide Bot chats

You can now also automatically assign labels to Guide Bot chats to collect information and have more informed conversations before the chat even reaches a human. Chatbots can auto-assign Labels based on the options the visitor chooses to add further insights for reporting.

Label Columns in the CSV Logs Export

Additionally to the above, each label is now split out into its own separate column in the CSV Logs export for easier label data extraction.


Other Updates

Visitor JavaScript:

* We have added a new JavaScript method to end the chat programmatically. Documentation can be found here.

* We also added a new JavaScript callback event for the end of the chat. Documentation can be found here.

The two methods can be implemented to automatically close the chat box for visitors once the chat ends.

* The integration API now accepts 201 and 202 response codes additionally to the 200 response code.

Resolved Issues

* Fixed an issue where the agent response was not visible to the visitor after a secure data transfer request.

* Fixed an issue where the bot ‘is typing’ notification appeared after the chat ended

* Fixed an issue where .txt files were not being permitted to be sent from the visitor to the agent.

* Fixed an issue where the Guide Bot offline auto-responder message did not show up on Facebook chats

* Fixed an issue where auto-translate messages did not show up for visitors on IE11

* Fixed an issue where exported CSV logs did not show the correct duration of some chats.