As we all know, mobile devices are taking over the world. A few statistics to whet your appetite:
- 91% of all people on earth have a mobile phone
- 50% of mobile phone users, use mobile as their primary means of browsing the web
- 72% of tablet owners purchase via their tablets each week
That’s a bunch of impressive numbers which should resonate with anyone reading this… especially since there’s a high probability that you’re reading this on a mobile device yourself. (If you detach the laptop from the power cord that makes it mobile right? Just don’t want anyone to feel left out.)
So what has SnapEngage been doing to address this mountain of data? We have been secretly working away in our laboratory hidden on an unnamed South Pacific island beneath an active volcano. The combination of liquid-hot magma and brilliant minds at work has produced something rather magical; a fully optimized chat experience for your mobile visitors!
For the visitor:
We have completely re-built the user experience from the ground up. Now, when we detect a visitor is contacting you on a mobile device we serve up a completely enhanced version of the chat interface. Visitors can easily navigate from page to chat and back again due to the minimize / maximize feature. There are even visual and auditory chat notifications when the agent sends the visitor a new message via the floating chat button — which is also completely moveable. To break that down a bit more.
Optimized Visitor Interface:
As you see here for the visitor it is as if they are texting a beloved friend. There is a full keyboard that can be minimized and maximized to make communicating on a smaller device very intuitive. Agent pictures are still displayed so a visitor can see who they are chatting with which helps re-enforce that there are really people helping them out!
Mobile Optimized Controls:
We also designed the controls and notifications with the visitor in mind. As you can see in the image on the left a visitor can minimize the chat to browse the site but still get notifications when the agent is typing as well as when they send a message. The visitor can then click on the chat button to maximize the chat form. There they can read the messages, respond, and minimize the chat box again if needed.
Drag and Drop:
Now mobile real estate is extremely valuable, you don’t want to waste a pixel of it if you can help it. That is why we added the ability for the chat button to be repositioned at anytime during the chat. As you can see in the image to the left you are free to drag and drop the button anywhere on the site just incase it is obstructing something you would like to see.
For the agent:
For the agent, everything stays the same and they are even notified that the visitor is on a mobile device — including information about the browser and OS. We currently support iOS & Android. Windows Phone is coming soon! Agent interactions with the visitor also remain unchanged. You can still co-browse the visitor to the page they need, as well get their email and everything else you would expect.
As always we would love your feedback, please come have a chat and let us know what you think, what we could do better, and how you are currently using it. We look forward to chatting with you soon!