Release notes August 24: Salesforce Community Knowledge Integration, Answer Bot Analytics, Hub Variable to update agent links with the visitors email.

Here is the update with what the team has been working on in the last weeks:

New Answer Bot Features:

• We have added an integration with Salesforce Community Knowledge with our Knowledge Base and Answer Bot options. This can now be enabled under the Integrations -> Knowledge Base tab additionally to Salesforce Solutions and the classic Knowledge options.

• We have added a preliminary Analytics tab for the Answer Bot:

We are currently working on enhancing this report with additional options to view and drill down into a list of search terms that were entered by your visitors. Stay tuned for these updates.

• The multi-step Guide Bot and Answer Bot options are now officially released and no longer considered ‘Beta’. Details on the new and improved functionalities can be found in this FAQ article.


• We added a new option to update the agent links in Hub when a visitor entered their email address during the chat with a {hubVar:email} variable. You can read more on how to use this feature here.

• The Info Capture Bot now has an Alias option to display to the visitors, similar to the other bot options.

• Improved the UI of the multi-step Guide Bot to not show the input area to the visitor in between steps

• Improved the UI of the visitor chat box to always show a semi-transparent scroll bar.

Resolved Issues:

• Fixed an issue where some messages were not logged consistently in the chat transcript

• Fixed an issue where agents responses were not visible in the visitor’s side after they attempted to upload a file of an unsupported type.

• Fixed an issue where agent links in Hub were not updating when toggling between chats.

• Fixed an issue where a chat coming from the Guide Bot was not set to offline when no agents were available

• Fixed an issue where an agent who was also the account owner could not transfer chats

• Fixed an issue where SnapEngage cookies showed a Chrome warning about a cross-site resource with SameSite attribute

• Fixed an issue with minified SnapEngage code where the AMD resolver failed in certain configurations.

• Fixed an issue where a close button appeared in the chat after interacting with a Bot.

• Fixed an issue where a SMS case sent even though “do not send chat transcript to destination” option was Selected.