Release Notes June 27


  • Bot API: We are now including JavaScript variables in the initial case data payload
  • Chat Routing: We have increased the inactivity timeout for chats going to the queue to a default of 30 minutes.
  • Visitor Chat: We have improved the ‘agent is typing…’ display in the chat box to make this more obvious to the visitor

Resolved Issues:

We have made some general improvements around the backend chat engine over the last few weeks. These changes should greatly improve chat routing stability: I.e. issues reported where some live chats appeared stuck in the dashboard, closed chats stuck in the live chats section in Hub, chats timing out too early, some chats getting stuck in the queue. Please let us know if you still experience issues in this area.

Additional fixes:

  • SMS to Chat: Fixed an issue with file transfer not working.
  • Hub: Fixed some assorted issues causing an error ‘Something went wrong‘ in the Hub.
    – Fixed preview for Gif images in the team chat.
    – Fixed an issue where the email entered by the visitor was not automatically updating the contact in Hub
    – Fixed an issue where the widget switcher list was not scrollable when seeing a very long number of widgets
  • Case Logs: Fixed an issue showing unexpected characters in the visitor URL
    – Fixed an issue where the first visitor message was missing in not responded chats.
  • Visitor Chat: Fixed an issue causing the title of the page changing to Undefined.
    – Improved handling of connectivity issues when the visitor’s internet connection is interrupted.
    – Improved the behavior of the chat box on iOS Safari.
  • Admin Dashboard: Fixed an issue where a comma in the widget name broke the live chats dashboard