Messaging and Live Chat Release Notes: January 2022

Product enhancements

•  Supervisor Beta: Updated handling of whisper messages for integrations, viewcase, and Logs API. This enhancement aims to make handling of whisper messages more consistent overall and ensures that internal-facing whisper messages are kept private (not accessible by website visitors) and secure. Additional details:
•  Whisper messages are not sent to any integrations (with the exception of the Integrations API).
•  The chat viewcase displays both agent and supervisor whisper messages only if the viewer has the proper permissions (is an admin or has Logs access), otherwise whisper messages are not shown here.
•  The Logs export contains both agent and supervisor whisper messages.
•  The chat visitor transcript request never contains whisper messages, as these are considered internal-facing messages only.
•  Supervisor Beta: Added the ability for administrators to enable or disable the Agent Whisper feature in the Admin Dashboard > Hub > Supervisor settings.
•  Hub Performance: Made various Hub performance improvements throughout the month of January to improve Hub load time, Hub processing/updating times while typing, and to reduce and prevent some sporadic Hub freezing behavior.

Bug fixes

•  Addressed a bug where the Hub text area did not expand properly while typing.
•  Addressed a bug where proactive chat did not always trigger properly on Sundays.
•  Addressed a bug where the Hub did not scroll to the bottom when a Sneak Peek message was received.