Intelligent Pre-Chat, Empower Customers to Find the Right Answers Before you Do.

Better Customer Support With Less Effort? Yes.

Intell_Pre_ChatHow would you like to answer customer support questions in a matter of seconds without ever moving your mouse or even touching the keyboard? You might be telling yourself this ability simply isn’t plausible, but with SnapEngage’s new Intelligent Pre-Chat feature it’s actually very simple.

What is It?

Intelligent Pre-Chat is a feature that allows visitors to quickly get answers to FAQ’s by providing customers with a relevant list of support articles, FAQ’s, and blog entries in a matter of seconds. This allows visitors to be immediately directed to a list of possible solutions without having to leave the chat box.

Lets take a look at how this feature works and how to enable it for the benefit of your website visitors:

How Does it Work:

The feature works by integrating live chat with the knowledgebases already linked into the admin portal. Before Intelligent Pre-Chat many visitors were not aware of where to find the information available in knowledgebases so agents would search for them to locate and provide visitors with the right support link or answer. Intelligent Pre-Chat automatically searches through the knowledgebases it has access to and provides accurate support to visitor’s questions. This drastically reduces the time it takes for a visitor to find answers by producing a list in a matter of seconds.


Get Started

  1. To enable Intelligent Pre-Chat go to the admin portal and click on Knowledgebases in the left hand menu.
  2. Click the “edit” button next to the knowledgebase you want to enable Intelligent Pre-Chat for.
  3. Next, check the box that says, “require your website visitors to do a search before starting a chat”
  4. Don’t forget to click Save!

Intelligent Pre-Chat will now be able to pull information from the knowledgebases for which it was given access, but not for those it wasn’t. This allows the admins to pick and choose what knowledgebases it wants to give visitors access to.



Intelligent Pre-Chat not only cuts down on the time it takes for visitors to get answers, but also frees up available agents to focus on more complex sales and support issues that can’t be answered using this feature. Intelligent Pre-Chat allows larger quantities of visitors to get answers to their questions more quickly by cutting down on the amount of support traffic. Enable Intelligent Pre-Chat to enhance your SnapEngage experience, try it out, then let us know what you think!