Diversity unites and strengthens
SnapEngage team.
Diversity. It’s a word that sparks varied emotions, strong opinions and ingrained ideas, and even controversy. It’s no wonder that diversity (or lack of diversity) has a pivotal impact on the culture, fabric, and even the direction and success of a company. With this in mind – and on the heels of the SnapEngage “About Us” page revamp – the SnapEngage team decided to take a closer look at our own diversity in hopes of better understanding how our employees’ various cultures, personalities, interests, and heritages have built our quirky chat company into what it is today.
When glancing at a SnapEngage team photo, a person might assume that we are actually not very diverse at all. However, this could not be further from the truth. SnapEngage employees hail from all corners of the globe. Our team members are proud to have birthplaces including: Brazil, Germany, Greece, Belarus, Spain, France, USSR, Mexico, Ukraine, and across the United States including California, Tennessee, Montana, Indiana, Ohio, Massachusetts, and Colorado. Each team member that finds themselves in either our Boulder, Colorado or Berlin, Germany office brings with them a host of unique perspectives, shaped in part by their birthplace. This array of varied perspectives informs key decisions, fosters creativity, and spurs new ideas – driving our product forward.
Almost every SnapEngage team member speaks two languages at minimum (and many employees speak four or five languages!). Our employees are happy to converse in Spanish, Hindi, French, Greek, Italian, German, Hebrew, Portuguese, and Russian, to name a few. In addition, SnapEngage employs more women than men (unlike many software companies). One third of our employees have spent significant time living in at least six cities in their lifetimes, and the entire company enjoys globe trotting.
When our team members aren’t gallivanting across the globe, they pursue a wide range of hobbies and hold many passions. In their free time you’ll find SnapEngagers rescuing animals, hiking (and running) up Colorado mountains, homebrewing beer, playing musical instruments, racing bikes, studying film, coaching sports, and even woodworking. Our company encourages a strong work-life balance and understands that employees who have the freedom and time to pursue passions outside of work turn into happier, more productive employees on the job.
The varied backgrounds of our team members allow us to better relate to our diverse and global client-base, making it easier to forge relationships and find common ground. Perhaps the greatest takeaway from our internal diversity study is that all of this variety within our team happened organically. Many companies try to force diversity and hire to fit a predetermined mold. At SnapEngage, the diversity within our team has grown naturally, and in turn so has our culture. As we watch our company grow and change, we embrace diversity and know we are stronger for it.